Raised on Kodiak Island, the Brown Bear capital of the world, I am often asked what the best bear protection is. Out of several answers from bear spray (pepper spray on steriods) to a very large rifle, my first choice is a good dog. Better companionship, alarm system, and response time. No fumbling - the dog has it down, and it isn't the mean ones that I've found to be the best. You want a confident, loyal friend out there, because when the bear pops out of nowhere (and they are quite good at it) you want your first line of defense on top of his game. When the bear is in full charge is no time for buck fever.
And the wonderful thing is, blood is seldom if ever lost over the issue. My dogs have stood down at least two boar brownies, the sow mentioned in the article previous, a blackie that went after my children, and untold aversions cleared along the trail - and each time the bear left without a fight. Upset and noisy, thrashing the woods in frustration on occasion, but never with any injuries. Wildly pulsating coronary arteries, perhaps, but the pup was cool, and everyone came out better than the alternatives...
So as the shop expands to accommodate the extra workload, he grows and learns - as we bond together into the team we will need to thrive. The Kayaq's design is configured to accommodate us, supplies pondered, procedures thought out.
A work in progress that evolves around the heart of my friends...
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