Friday, February 7, 2020

Some years blur into a magical wonderland that defy the realities of mortality.


For us, the journey took us across the country we love in a very unique way...

Under rather unusual circumstances, along a marvelous road of discovery.
And as the Journey Begins...

It seemed that we hit every major rainstorm from Maine to Idaho sometime during each riding day...And learned to shelter wherever it was offered - no problem for the Big Dog, he just tucked into the sidecar out of the weather and let Dad handle it...
 Or rested in his kennel and let Nature do it's wet weather thing...

But even entering Iowa wet, we came out with warm memories as we paid our respects to pioneer family gone before us along these trails so many years ago...

And to friends who went into harm's way for us to be together now, when the heartache of leaving them behind wouldn't leave...God Bless You, Col. Chips, who died in my arms, and Chieftain (A091), my faithful Sentry Dog who saved me from a sniper's bullet, and is the only reason Beaufort and I could be together now. The look in his eyes when I was forced to come back to the world (?) without him still tears at my guts even after 48 years. We were not allowed to have our dogs come back with us when we returned as they are now - and I'm glad they get to come back together. I would never wish what we went through upon anyone else.
That's why looking into the eyes of this faithful friend keeps me on level ground, anchoring me into the present when the past would steal any reason to be here.

He looks at me, and gives me a reason to live more fully, opening new doors of an adventure into fresh realities that brings a new dawn into every day of my life. A life I wouldn't have now after the attrition of years if it wasn't for him, as he teaches me to live in the present instead of the past, savoring each moment as they come.

He has his own "Puppy Truck" now...
New to us, and I guess that's what counts as we tour now winter and summer in a whole new life of opportunity we wouldn't have without each other. He still Jeeps with me...
He tours on the School Bus whenever he can get away with it, which has met with smiles and approval wherever he goes...

And Christmas wouldn't be the same without him.

But more than anything else, my life wouldn't be the same without his enthusiastic welcome, his pure joy in coming together in the life we share -

Together with our friends and family

in moments of quiet bonding

And in eager anticipation of a loving reunion

We Both Live For.

Together. Forever.